Buy or sell your house in
few seconds with Jkings Properties
This is jkings properties 21st century Akuru uno project for those of us here in diaspora
About Us
Established in 2017 and we are currently operating in Enugu as South Eastern regional office, Anambra, Ebonyi and Lagos State, Nigeria. Jkings Properties Ltd is passionate in providing premium Commercial and Residential properties, offering bespoke solutions to real estate services of Buy and sale of lands, Land surveying , property management, construction and development of lands and building to owners, occupiers and investors.
Over the years, expanding our services based on human and financial strengths coupled with unrivaled local expertise in the real estate industry, Jkings Properties Ltd owns a branch office in the heart of Lagos state Nigeria.
Our clients rely on our ability to deliver genuine properties and creative solutions to their real estate needs based on years of experience, our professional know how, our in-house knowledge combined with strategic partnerships. Since inception, our core value has remained team work, integrity, efficiency, transparency and proficiency.
Our Mission Statement
Jkings Properties Ltd is poised to render qualitative and cost effective real estate purchases and services to a wide array of corporate and individual clientele, providing skilled analysis and sound real estate advice to our investors, ensuring our clients/investors best interest and satisfaction..
Our Vision:
- To be the highest point of reference when it comes to excellent property acquisition, development in Nigeria
- To be the leading excellent real estate company provider in Nigeria, west Africa and the world at large
Referrals to other clients and investors gets you 10% of the property value.

Feel free to contact us for any of your real estate needs. We are always available and our experts will be there to attend to your needs.